If you need a somewhat complex dataset for testing plot features in Scala, read this page.
Author: Jim Pivarski
Most of the examples must use some dataset, so I prepared a sample of CMS public data to be read with no dependencies. The data came from the CERN Open Data portal; it is 50 fb-1 of highly processed particle physics data from the CMS experiment, with 469,384 events selected by the 24 GeV/c isolated muon trigger.
For convenience, it has been converted to compressed JSON. The code that reads it into classes is provided below for you to copy-paste, rather than a JAR to load, because I want you to see how it’s done and you may want to modify it.
Loading the data quickly
The data-loading code is now included in the core Histogrammar library (as of 1.0.3), so you just do this:
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.tutorial.cmsdata
val events = cmsdata.EventIterator()
For older versions of Histogrammar or to see what this is doing, read below.
Pedestrian approach
Start a Scala prompt with the Histogrammar JAR loaded. That is, do
scala -cp histogrammar-0.7.jar
for an appropriate version of Histogrammar to get a scala>
prompt. Then either
- copy-paste the code into your terminal (watching for possible error messages), or
- download the raw code and type
:load /path/to/scala-cmsdata.scala
to load it.
If all goes well, you’ll have an iterator named events
that pulls data from the web as needed. You get events by repeatedly calling events.next()
. To restart the iterator from the beginning, do val events = EventIterator()
The code to copy-paste is below and the link to raw code is here.
// class definitions
trait LorentzVector extends Serializable {
// abstract members; must be defined by subclasses
def px: Double
def py: Double
def pz: Double
def E: Double
// methods common to all LorentzVectors
def pt = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py)
def p = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz)
def mass = Math.sqrt(E*E - px*px - py*py - pz*pz)
def eta = 0.5*Math.log((p + pz)/(p - pz))
def phi = Math.atan2(py, px)
// addition operator is a method named "+"
def +(two: LorentzVector) = {
val one = this
// create a subclass and an instance in one block
new LorentzVector {
def px = one.px + two.px
def py = one.py + two.py
def pz = one.pz + two.pz
def E = one.E + two.E
override def toString() = s"LorentzVector($px, $py, $pz, $E)"
// particle class definitions are now one-liners
case class Jet(px: Double, py: Double, pz: Double, E: Double, btag: Double) extends LorentzVector
case class Muon(px: Double, py: Double, pz: Double, E: Double, q: Int, iso: Double) extends LorentzVector
case class Electron(px: Double, py: Double, pz: Double, E: Double, q: Int, iso: Double) extends LorentzVector
case class Photon(px: Double, py: Double, pz: Double, E: Double, iso: Double) extends LorentzVector
case class MET(px: Double, py: Double) {
def pt = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py)
case class Event(jets: Seq[Jet], muons: Seq[Muon], electrons: Seq[Electron], photons: Seq[Photon], met: MET, numPrimaryVertices: Long)
// event data iterator
case class EventIterator(location: String = "http://histogrammar.org/docs/data/triggerIsoMu24_50fb-1.json.gz") extends Iterator[Event] {
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.json._
// use Java libraries to stream and decompress data on-the-fly
@transient val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(
new java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream(
new java.net.URL(location).openStream))
// read one ahead so that hasNext can effectively "peek"
private def getNext() =
try {
Json.parse(scanner.nextLine) collect {
case event: JsonObject => eventFromJson(event)
catch {
case err: java.util.NoSuchElementException => None
private var theNext = getNext()
// iterator interface
def hasNext = !theNext.isEmpty
def next() = {
val out = theNext.get
theNext = getNext()
def jetFromJson(params: Map[String, JsonNumber]) =
new Jet(params("px").toDouble,
def muonFromJson(params: Map[String, JsonNumber]) =
new Muon(params("px").toDouble,
def electronFromJson(params: Map[String, JsonNumber]) =
new Electron(params("px").toDouble,
def photonFromJson(params: Map[String, JsonNumber]) =
new Photon(params("px").toDouble,
def metFromJson(params: Map[String, JsonNumber]): MET =
new MET(params("px").toDouble, params("py").toDouble)
def eventFromJson(params: JsonObject) = {
val JsonArray(jets @ _*) = params("jets")
val JsonArray(muons @ _*) = params("muons")
val JsonArray(electrons @ _*) = params("electrons")
val JsonArray(photons @ _*) = params("photons")
val met = params("MET").asInstanceOf[JsonObject]
val JsonInt(numPrimaryVertices) = params("numPrimaryVertices")
new Event(
jets collect {case j: JsonObject => jetFromJson(j.to[JsonNumber].toMap)},
muons collect {case j: JsonObject => muonFromJson(j.to[JsonNumber].toMap)},
electrons collect {case j: JsonObject => electronFromJson(j.to[JsonNumber].toMap)},
photons collect {case j: JsonObject => photonFromJson(j.to[JsonNumber].toMap)},
val events = EventIterator()